Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Women's Fashion Today

Today, I thought I would talk about fashion. I am becoming worried about the shallowness of women's fashion today. The common sentiment is that we should look just as the men do, then maybe we will gain the rights that we, admittedly, don't have now. But do we want that? Ponder this:

The fashion of today is top heavy with menswear and strong lines. Some companies balance this with soft edges, and delicate prints, but most are desperate for hard and rough looks. The difficult part of this is that the risk of doing so defeats the purpose of women’s wear. The purpose of such is to leave no reason to doubt that women are women, and men are men.

In the culture of today, this has been scrambled to the point that a person has to look twice to discover if it is a man or a woman. The important thing to remember, is that fashion is not as much a part of taste as it is of modesty and of distinction. If there is no distinction between a man or woman, then it results in a confusion of gender, truth, and ultimately, of one’s faith.

The multibillion dollar fashion industry has drawn upon what the average female wants to wear, or see. The companies only put out what would sell, or would produce monetary gain. Thus we can surmise that the fashion industry is producing what is called good taste only because that is what we want. From this conclusion, we can only begin to wonder what fashion would be like, if it had followed a more modest trend.

How a person shops, talks, and reads, will ultimately influence those that work in fashion. What is important is not that the people change the fashion industry, but rather, that the people change the way they dress. Currently, fashion is based upon what will make the female population sensually attractive to the male population. Immense problems arise once a society rejects God’s standard of dress, and follows Satan’s agenda.

The word ‘fad’ is defined as: a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., especially one followed enthusiastically by a group.’ This is evident in the current fashion industry. No sooner has one distinctive feature been displayed on the runway, then another follows it the week after. One must eventually realize that the fads that are rife in today’s culture are no more than a waste of time and money.

There are those that are desperate to be the latest in fashion, but once having bought the item that they are coveting, they lose interest in it and must rush back to the store. This not only takes a huge toll upon the bank account, but fosters a dissatisfaction with what God has given us. In 1 John 2:15:17, the Lord commands us to leave the love of this world.

This is very important to the health of the church, to the health of the believer, and to the health of a nation. For many people have wandered from the faith, and chosen the world’s answer to their problems. As a Christian, we must beware of false prophets in the fashion industry, and be careful of what we believe is modest.

Attempting to explain the damage of inappropriate fashion is nigh impossible. The worst of which causes women to act less like what they were created to be, more often assuming the role of the man in the family. What many do not realize, is that this is detrimental to the family relationship that God created for us.  

Lastly, one must be careful of what they allow in their lives. (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) Fashion is the culmination of an individual’s taste, morals, and convictions. It is said that fashion tells others what we think of ourselves, and those around us. Americans especially, need to be wary of fashion, because it is seen as a way of expressing freedom, and can be taken too far. Simply put, fashion is an art form. A way for a person to express herself, demonstrating her emotions and ideas.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Scientific Proof of the Bible

The Bible is estimated to have been written between 1450 B.C. and 95 A.D. This chart shows scientific facts and principles referred to in this ancient Bible, but not actually discovered by humankind until later centuries. Dead sea scrolls, historical documentation, and word of mouth all confirm the authenticity of the Bible and when it was created. Since people had no official knowledge of these scientific facts until more than a thousand years after the Bible was written, is this scientific proof that the Bible was inspired by God?

Scientific Fact or Principle
Bible reference
Date of discovery by man
Both man and woman possess the seed of life
17th Century
There is a place void of stars in the North
19th Century
Earth is held in place by invisible forces
Taxonomic classification of matter
The Earth is round
15th Century
Certain animals carry diseases harmful to man
16th Century
Early diagnosis of leprosy
17th Century
Quarantine for disease control
17th Century
Blood of animals carries diseases
17th Century
Blood is necessary for life
19th Century
Oceans have natural paths in them
Earth was in nebular form initially
Most seaworthy ship design ratio is 30:5:3
Light is a particle and has mass (a photon)
Radio astronomy (stars give off signals)
Oceans contain fresh water springs
Snow has material value
1905, 1966
Infinite number of stars exist
Dust is important to survival
Hubert Spencer's scientific principles
Air has weight
16th Century
Light can be split up into component colors
Matter is made up of invisible particles
20th Century
Plants use sunlight to manufacture food
Arcturus and other stars move through space
19th Century
Water cycle
17th Century
Life originated in the sea
19th Century
Lightning and thunder are related
19th Century
Man was the last animal created
15th Century

This particular piece of information was taken from thekingjamesbible.com. It has been posted for informational purposes only. Please respect the copyrights.

Hey there!
No one has been posting anything for a while, so I thought I would put this on. There is a lot of controversy over whether the Bible is accurate or not. This is some factual proof that the Bible is really what it says it is. While there are some that would wish to dispute this, please remember that God is the final answer. Please enjoy!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pilgrim's Progress in America

I will continue with a parallel between Pilgrim's Progress and our Country.

The Hard Road or the Easy Road?

Any road that is followed takes time, but there are many types of roads. Often they are separated into two parts. John Bunyan’s classic, A Pilgrim’s Progress, is a vivid picture of the verse in Matthew 7: 13. ‘Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

The road that Christian follows is not easy, and he is tempted to leave it many times. The road to the town of Morality looked so inviting, that he left the narrow road and went on until he found himself in trouble. Once he discovered that he had been deceived, he called for help. Evangelist came right away to help Christian, but it is not always that easy to extract ourselves from the broad road.

The Broad Road is easy and wide. Once on it, one feels comfortable, and lazy. This is exactly what the Enemy wants. He would like for us to think that everything is going our way, and that we can do anything we want, regardless of the consequences. 

A good example of a broad road in a modern sense, would be America. Americans sing songs that speak of a beautiful country, free of hardship and toil. While most know it as an illusion, they nevertheless strive to achieve this utopian society.  Why? Because they have become accustomed to the ease that came from being a Christian society, losing the respect most have for poverty.

This has done nothing less than slowly destroying our nation. While building up the façade of a golden state, with impenetrable marble walls, our nation is rotting inside. A remarkable amount of statesmen and government agents are seething in a sea of wickedness. America appears to the rest of the world as a rich and glorious country. To those that live in the country, it seems like a perfect place to live. No matter if you have money; any American citizen can get what he wants.

Not too long ago, the average countryman acknowledged that there was a God, and an opposite force, namely, Satan.  Now, there are more atheists in America, than anywhere else in the world. This is a direct result of a country leaving its’ roots, its’ morals, and its’ God.

The only hope lies in the following verse: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:14 The narrow road is never easy. Rather, it will be the hardest think we will ever attempt.  While the narrow road is dangerous, difficult, and discouraging, the rewards are worth every bit.

America does not naturally follow the narrow road, but with perseverance and faith, anyone can. This does not mean that we should immerse ourselves in poverty, far from it! More that we should reach out to those in need, and minister to them as Christ did.

 We as Christians, are called to follow the narrow road. Not for some religious worship, ‘for we walk by faith, not by sight’; but because it is the best thing for us. God did not assign us a task we would like, or an assignment that would be too hard for us. Rather, he gave us a way to salvation, and then showed us how to live it out. The narrow road is difficult, but not impossible; we are to die to the flesh, but we cannot die forever. The path is strewn with thorns, but our reward is beyond anything we can imagine.

In both Pilgrim’s Progress, and modern America, there is a narrow road, and a broad road. Man may follow either, depending on his choice. Christian chose the narrow road, and though he encountered many tribulations, at the last he arrived in the Celestial City. What road will America choose? That is for each citizen to choose for himself. One person can influence a few, but many people make up a republic, and that people will dictate what the government will do.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Republic vs. Democracy

I want to begin with a series of posts concerning the American Government. This first is an explanation of what the difference is between a republic, and a democracy. We have all heard both terms used in speaking of our Country at various times, and it is important for us to understand the difference.
A republic is a state in which the supreme power resides in the body of citizens entitled to vote, and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. The republic is based on the idea that man is the supreme power, and a monarchy is looked upon by such with horror. The word ‘republic’ comes from the Latin ‘res publica’ meaning ‘the people’s thing’.  
 In contrast, Democracy comes from the Greek words ‘demos kratos’ and means rules of the people. There are two different aspects of democracy. There is a direct democracy, and a representative democracy. Direct Democracy is where the people come together and make plans to the end of what the country should do. (e.g. when the colonies were first joined together, there wasn’t really any particular ruler of congress, but everyone voted upon what should be done politically.)
 A Representative Democracy is where the people choose a particular person that they consider capable of ruling, through popular vote. The problem with a Representative Democracy, is that the polls can be rigged to elect an individual. This is evidenced in The People’s Republic of China, and The Democratic People’s Republic of [North] Korea.
The American Government is a mix of them both, with a decided leaning towards a republic. Americans are proud of their heritage, and want to keep it at what it was originally, but are deceived if they think that it has stayed the same. As Election Day comes around again, let us all remember from where our Country came, and how we want it to proceed. So I leave you with these questions: What do we really want the Government to be like? What are you going to do about it?
in Christ,

Blog Post Number One

Welcome to our blog! We are so excited that you are here and that you are reading this! Marissa and I met on a Journey to the Heart. Which is a ministry of IBLP, (Institute in Basic Life Principles) organized by Mr. Bill Gothard. Their goal is to help young people have a wonderful relationship with most importantly God, and also their parents. The Journey begins at headquarters, which is located in the beautiful town of Oak Brook, IL. A few minutes south of Chicago. After a few days you team, which is a group of about 13, travels to the Northwoods of Michigan. Where your Journey really begins. A journey to your heart to learn how to come close to God. All of the girls who were on our blue team, are now very dear friends. We have plenty of stories that I am sure we will share sometime!
Though Marissa and I may not have a lot in common on the external surface, but we do have a lot in common in what we believe. We both desire to share the word of God with our generation. While many have walked away from the church, we want to prove that not all is lost, and there is something real to believe in. Which is what we desire to do with this blog. Our first and foremost priority is that unbelievers and those that are questioning their faith would read this, and that we could help those that are confused. We want to help you get to know God personally.If you ever have any questions about how to do this PLEASE feel free to email us at marissaandannakatherine@gmail.com and we would be delighted to talk to you!
While, neither of us are perfect, and sometimes we still struggle with our relationship, it is our desire to grow in leaps and bounds. If you are a believer, then remember, if you have had an encounter with Christ it should show. It should show on the outside. But don't be discouraged, there is hope, and though that last sentence seemed harsh, we really want to help you.
Most Americans are looking for answers, and we want you to know that God is on our side!
We would love to pray for you in any way we can! Email us or follow us on google+. If their is anything we can do to help you to further your relationship with God, please let us know! We will be recommending resources that we are reading, and have learned from. 
Thanks for reading, and may God bless you! 
Rejoicing In Christ!

Anna Katherine and Marissa

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Chocolate Hero

'Every true soldier is a hero! A soldier without heroism is a Chocolate Soldier. Who has not been stirred to scorn and mirth at the very thought of a Chocolate Soldier? In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their  heart's desire or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigor of a hero.

Every true Christian is a soldier of Christ, a hero "par excellence"! Braver than the bravest--scorning the soft seductions of peace and her oft repeated warnings against hardship, disease, danger and death, whom he counts among his bosom friends.'
--The Chocolate Soldier C. T. Studd