Sunday, July 27, 2014

TESOL/VOICE Missions 2014

Well, this is a glimpse of my life in the past twoish weeks. 


The entire two and a half weeks I was able to spend with the exchange students has changed my life forever. Eventually I'll scream out a post with a few more details on different events that I was part of, but for tonight, I'll just let you have this bit. 

With a two hour difference between WA and OK, jetlag is getting the better of me. 

So I leave you with this:

"...peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus..." 

(1 Peter 5:14b)


-Marissa H.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Journey notes: TESOL VOICE 2014

Left Seattle at 7:55am PAC
Saw a Jewish Rabbi with (I'm assuming) his sons in the airport. Had no trouble with security despite not having a passport with me...(haha, love sending my passport through the mail. So foolish!) Bought a white chocolate latte, didn't particularly love it. Currently, southern Washington is overcast with low lying cloud cover. Flying United Air. Got three hours of sleep last night, but feeling alright, probably because of the coffee. Am pretty sure I forgot something important--like my brain perhaps--but I suppose I'll just have to do without it. There are a number of Asians on this plane, shouldn't be surprised, it's Washington after all. 

Am excited to meet my team for the TESOL trip to Taiwan, not sure if I'll meet everyone I'll be living with in OK, but hopefully I'll meet some of my team at least! :) I haven't finished all of my homework for the class tomorrow--bad me--but plan on doing that at some point today. I'm really excited to put all the English Composition and Grammar classes I've taken these past two years to work, seeing as it seems God really did have a reason for me to take those classes! I sure hope everything pays off--it wouldn't have been worth it if I can't use it. Lol. 

Actually, since I'm on the topic of God, let me tell you all how I got to this point in life!

Last year, (about this time of the month too) I went to an ATI (Advanced Training Institute) conference in Sacramento. Unknown to me at that time, it would be the last time I would hear Mr. Gothard speak, which is very sad for me, seeing as I grew up with him as my spiritual hero. (Please don't ask why he's no longer head of ATI, it's a sad and complicated story. I don't agree with most of the reasons why he was removed.) 

Anyway, to a more pleasant subject. 

So just before I went to the conference, my Mum sent me a video about serving as a TESOL teacher in Taiwan. But I had my heart set on going to Romania, and told God in no uncertain terms, that I could care less what He wanted me to do, I was going to Romania. (Course when you tell God something like that, He inevitably sends you in another direction. Lol) 

I continued to resist His guidance until I got to Sacramento. There my resolve broke down when I faced God Himself, and He began to soften my heart. During a prayer meeting on the last day, I vowed to follow God, even if it meant going to a country that has massive spiders. (Lol, HATE spiders.) 

On the way home the next morning, I told my family I wanted to go to Taiwan--and I'm pretty sure they all thought I had lost my mind. Surprised doesn't really explain their reaction. But they all said that if it was God's will, I could go. So I prayed...and prayed...and prayed...and then waited. 

As always with God, patience was in order, and while it took a long while to learn how to wait properly, eventually, I believe I got the hang of things. (Maybe.) After waiting an interminable amount of time, (about six months) my parents gave the ok. Then began the long process of applying to VOICE Missions, the Taiwanese Embassy, and getting a Visa. 

As each application was approved, I got more and more excited, looking forward to when I would get the final ok. Once that came, I rejoiced--possibly more than I should have--that God really wanted me in Taiwan, it wasn't the figment of my imagination after all! 

Now? As you've seen before, I'm on my way to Oklahoma City for training, spiritual encouragement, and a lot of fun! 

Aaaand... In under two months now, I'll be walking the streets of a Taiwanese city,   boom ooooom mono I trying to learn the language, and being a light to those who walk in the darkness. 

I'm going to leave you all with this verse: 

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Matthew 28:19

Shalom, Yeshua be with you this week!
