Saturday, August 30, 2014

First Sunday in Taipei Taiwan. Sermon notes.

Psalms 28:7

Luke 16:19-31

Rich man and Lazarus.

One was rich, the other poor. 
If you have honor on earth, that doesn't mean you will have honor in heaven. 
Should we live a simple life? Definitely. The bible isn't saying we should abstain from all fleshly pleasures, but rather, to moderate those pleasures. What we consider important may not be what God considers important. What does God emphasize? 

Lazarus was brought up to heaven by angels. To Abraham's bosom.
It's all a link, a relationship between God, Abraham, and Lazarus. 
Faith in God, in His promises. Lazarus didn't accomplish anything himself. All he had was his faith. Therefore, while he had a bad life on earth, he was comforted by Abraham because of his faith. 

The only ones who can be in your bosom are those you love unconditionally. Therefore, Lazarus was given that love in death, because he did not receive it in life. 

If you are poor in earthly goods, look to God, and you will become rich in faith. 

Lazarus was received in glory and honor because of his faith. His faith may have faltered, and he may have fallen, but ultimately, we know he died in victory. One day you will finally see that you didn't believe in vain. You didn't have faith I vain. You didn't suffer in vain. 


It's not in the beggar who stretches out his hand, it's in the giver that places the gift into his hand. 

We are like Lazarus in the sense that we have no other way to go to heaven other than faith in Jesus Christ. 

When we experience difficult times, you can find hope and faith if you look to Him for help. God wants to help anyone who reaches out to Him. 

When you see a beggar at the door of your house, never turn him away. Reach out, touch his life, follow in Jesus' steps, and give of what you have.

We don't have faith by doing good works. How would Lazarus have gotten to heaven? He was incapable of doing good works. Salvation is the gift of God given to us, for us to receive. It is our choice, but without choosing, we forfeit our ticket to eternal life. 

A tall order? 

You bet! But has God ever asked anything easy of us? 

I think not.

It's the way of faith. 

While faith is something that does not require works, it is not something that can be gained without great effort on the part of the receiver. 

Do you really love God? Do you also love others? The more you look at the glory of God, the less you see of the glory of this world. 

You needn't be rich to act as if you were. It is a matter of pride and stubbornness. When you become distant from God, it needn't be a drastic sudden fall, it can just be a greed in your heart that tears your heart from the heart of God. 

Learn to live for Christ, in both the here and now, and what is to come. 

Make this a way of life. So much a habit you needn't think too hard about what your mind dwells upon. 

Death is not a period. It's a comma. It's a new beginning. But what you chose in life will affect your eternal life forever. 

I leave you with this: will you live for Christ, and gain eternal life with Him? Or will you live for yourself and gain eternal life in the death of the depths of hell? 

It is your choice. 

Is your eternity worth it? 

Is your life worth it? 

You may live a hundred years, accomplish great things in this world, and never see heaven, because you chose to live your life your way. 

Or, you may live no longer than tomorrow, and choose at the last moment of your physical existence to serve God, and have eternal life in Him.

Again, your choice. 

A decision you must make. 

It's up to you.


Yeshua be with you this week. 

Marissa H.