Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Be Prepared 2

Everyone ready to see the next installment of the End Times series? 

I am, if I do say so myself!

So honestly, what proof is there, that the end times are upon us? 

I mean, in the first century church, the Christians thought the world was ending right then, because of the intense persecution that Nero poured on them. 

He was their Antichrist. 

And in every generation following that, men and women have wondered, debated, and argued about the end times; when it would be, what signs they ought to look for, and who the Antichrist might be. 

During World War II, almost everyone was positive that Hitler was the Antichrist, because he not only promoted a utopian society, but attempted to eradicate the Jewish population from the earth. 

But consider this: Will the Antichrist be that recognizable? Is it going to be this easy? 

Maybe the future will look like this: 

'America is on the brink of ruin. The world stock markets have crashed, Ebola has torn the country apart, and she is over 17 trillion in debt to China and Japan. And it's not just America any more either. South America is on fire, Europe's great cities are torn apart by bombs and explosives, thanks to right-wing activists such as Greenpeace, and ISIS is terrorizing the Middle East. North Korea is slowly starving their people in the name of Communisim, and China has quit dancing around with Russia and America--it's time for action. Speaking of Russia, she is hungry, her greedy hands grasping at the surrounding countries--all of Europe is on the menu. World War III is steadly marching it's way into the world's conciousness. And who is the target of everyone's frustration? Israel. Little, tiny, struggling Israel.' 

Why? Ah, interesting question...for another day. 

Anyway, back to my future history lesson here. 

'Everyone and their brother has a nuclear bomb of some sort, and while the threat of the end of the world as we know it, and the death of thousands hinders anyone from using them, the bombs are enormous leverage for the large countries such as America, Russia, and China. And they aren't afraid to use that leverage if that means they can get what they want.'

So where is this Antichrist, and how does he fit in? 

Well, what does the Bible have about this?

It says in 1 John 4:1: 'Beloved, believe not every spirit, but the spirits wheither they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.' 

And in Matthew 24:4-5, the Bible further states: 'And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.' 

This is talking about many anti-christs, or many people who will call themselves Christ. Take into consideration that these are people who will shout from the rooftops that they are Christ. And that would NOT be in the Antichrist's best interest. After all, he wants to decieve the Christians as well, convince them that he is the Christ. 

But back to my fake history. 

'So the world is about to implode, and no one cares about anyone but themselves. It's every country for itself now. And my do the bombs fly. World War III has commenced, and it isn't going well for anyone. But out of the ashes, a hero rises. A man with a smooth tongue, and a huge heart. Somehow, beyond all expectiations, this man is able to talk peace with the very countries that started the war. And  everyone agrees with everything he says. Pretty soon, the bombs stop falling, and fathers no longer die. Peace once again settles across the world, and everyone is praising this man for stopping the war when he did. The world population lauds this man, and begs him to take over the leadership of the United Nations. He reluctantly takes the office, all the while saying that it isn't a job for him, that he doesn't deserve it at all. And everyone loves him.'

Doesn't seem like the Antichrist, does he? Well, yea this is only my jabbering little made up story, and maybe he's as repulsive as Hitler, but I doubt it. 

(And yea, I did steal that last bit from the Left Behind books, it's the only theory that makes sense to me. Credit goes to the authors though.) 

Anyway, do you see what I mean yet? 

The Antichrist, is going to be someone everyone loves. 

(No, I'm not talking about Obama. Seriously people, there are way too many Americans calling him on the carpet. And I believe Americans will be the first to be decieved.) 

This man will be both a master of shadows, and a usurper of the light. 

You won't know if he's coming, or going, but at first, even you will think he is amazing.

So look at it this way:

'One day, you will be sitting at home, watching the Tube, (TV) reading a book, working, chasing your child around the room, or helping your teenager with his math. And you will be laughing, smiling, and life will be good. The next day, you wake up, and the world as you know it will have shattered. Maybe on your way to work, you flip on the radio--local morning news. But what you hear has nothing to do with your neighbor's grandmother dying. An urgent and startling tale rolls across the radiowaves, and you hear that overnight, the end has come.' 

Of course, you say, that's silly, and violent. Nothing happens like that. 

Oh really? 

What about 9/11? 

Where were you when that happened? 

I'm sure you remember...it was one of the worst things in American history. 

Well, think about hearing something worse. The end of the world you know. 

What will you do? 

Be Prepared. 


Yeshua be with you!
