Thursday, June 26, 2014


You. Have. No. Idea.


I LOVE to travel.




Don’t get me wrong, there’s something exciting about packing for a trip, but the decisions! Every last thing I take must be evaluated on how much I will use it. If I’ll only use it once or twice, then forget it. I’ll find something better. Or I’ll just do without. I’m normally a light packer—until it comes to books, then it’s a lost cause—but sometimes, I believe I try too hard.


I’m leaving in two weeks for training with VOICE missions (for the year I am going to spend in Taiwan. More on that later.), and I’m attempting the feat of taking only a carryon size suitcase, my violin, and a backpack. We’ll see if I make it. (haha) I managed a week-long trip last year with that suitcase, but this time it’s for two-and-a-half weeks…and I love fashion. A LOT.


Soooo! Guess who’s learning to live with the smallest amount of baggage? And the smallest amount of fashion while trying to look good too. (I suppose God might be trying to tell me something here, right? haha…) Maybe…I’m putting too much faith in my clothes, caring too much about how I look…but back to packing.


You think packing is easy? (Ha!) Try stuffing enough clothes for a city that averages 100 degrees in a tiny suitcase, and then tell me it’s easy. Oh, and don’t forget, it has to be skirts and high heels. (No. Fun. At. All.) And don’t forget the heavy sweaters and tights for ice skating. I’ve never had to pack so many different seasons in one miniscule suitcase before. (see, it keeps getting smaller. :P)


But don’t mistake all this complaining for me not looking forward to this trip. (I’m so excited!!!)


Alright, I ranted. I’ll talk about the good in all this now. :D


1.       I’m learning that fancy clothes aren’t important to make a good impression.

There is so much I would rather do--be fancy, look nice, put on that lovely mask that makes everyone think you have an amazing life—but honestly? What is the good of putting on that ridiculous mask? No one want’s to see it anyway. And they’re all disappointed to find out about it when you slip and fall. (Just get rid of it. Believe me, you’ll feel better.)


2.       I’m getting ready to go to Taiwan for a year, this is good for me!

Stuff, is not necessary for me to live my life. It does not define my life, and I can’t let it. What’s the point of keeping a lot of stuff, dragging it around with you, and clinging so hard to it you let it make you fall? There is no point. Get rid of it! This is honestly the hardest thing for most of us. Stuff is so important to us!


3.       I’m packing up my ‘stuff’ and putting it away.

(Truthfully? Right now I want to just get rid of all of it. That’s way easier. haha) I am learning that 90% of everything I have I don’t use more than seven times a year. I think I don’t need it if I only keep it for those few times that I want it. That’s foolish. I mean, honestly?? Just. Get. Rid. Of. It! 



So to wrap this all up, I think what I’m trying to say to you all is:  that regardless of what room you have in your suitcase, whether you can take everything, or just what is just necessary…it all matters who you chose to reflect to the world. God, yourself, the world…etc.


Think about this: Your mind is a suitcase. What you put in, eventually you will retrieve and display to the whole world. Every last person you pass, meet, and interact with, will take away an impression of who you believe in, what your values are, and why you are determined to live—or not live for that matter.


Just remember, whatever you believe in will be displayed for all to see one day. Why wait? Why not today?


Peace be with all of you!



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