Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I'm Hungry! I Want To Eat!

See, I said I would post anything and everything on this blog...but seriously. I'm starving. 

(The title for this post is actually really funny.)

It has absolutely nothing to do with food, it's part of a class I teach the kids over here called Hungry Caterpillar. (We all know that classic book by Eric Carle, right?) 

I've taught that class so many times, whenever I'm hungry now, I'll belt out 'I'M HUNGRY! I WANT TO EAT!' Which is the class vocabulary. 

Well...currently it's 10:35am. I'm sitting at my desk in the office, looking at food. 

I'm supposed to be writing a script for a documentary film I'm shooting next semester for HTC. 

Oh well, it needn't be finished till December 26th...I've got time. ;) 


Seriously, I'm skinny, and look like I never eat a thing. And the funny thing is, I eat a TON. 

Like, I eat like a hobbit. 

Problem is, lately I've been eating like I want to kill myself--processed foods, saturated fats--McDonalds never had such a friendly customer. 

(They actually know me so well that now when I walk in, I can't even say: 'liu' [pronounced 'leo' --means six] the lady just says 'Number six?' and hands me my food. It's pathetic, I'm telling you.) 

'Course that isn't to say I can't enjoy my food...I just need to eat more...healthy stuff. 

Dr. Chen was right when he said it's easier to eat prepared foods when teaching, cause it's so much work to cook, and I'm always tired. 

Anyway, on to the good stuff. Right? Right. :D

That was my attempt at soup. It was pretty good, all things considered. I made it in a rice cooker, and the only thing missing was tomatoes. (My Mum had it right when she told me to add tomatoes to bean soups.) 

Another attempt at eating healthy--this wasn't all that bad. Potatoes, plain yogurt, clover sprouts, and [simi] whole grain bread. In fact, this was such a hit with Fenny and some other of my co-workers, that I'm making it again next week for lunch for all of them. 

(which means I need to wash the crock pot. ugh.) 

Anyway, it was super simple, here's my recipe: 

Potato and Clover Sprout Spread

Roast golden potatoes in crockpot until fork-tender. 

Mash three-six potatoes in a bowl with skin. 

Add three/four heaping spoonfuls of plain yogurt to mashed potatoes, mix thoroughly. 

Finely chop Clover (or another kind) sprouts, add to potato mixture. 

Add a dash of salt, to taste. 

Spread on whole grain bread or toast. 


Now, this may be a little odd sounding, but really, it's simple, tastes good, and you spend all of five minutes preparing it. 

A win-win in my opinion. :) 

And yea, I promise to post more food stuff in the future. 

(Oh, I've got a hint about the next post. Roasted grape tomatoes and garlic. SO good.) 


Yeshua be with you all this week!


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