Thursday, January 29, 2015

Good Byes

I had no idea I was going to do this so soon...but a lot of things have been changing in my life in the past week or so, and I felt I needed a fresh start in something.

That something turns out to be my blog. 

For the past year or so, I've been yammering on about things here, and I admit, I'm going to miss this blog. 

But sometimes, change has to happen. 

Sometimes, we have to say good bye. 

So here's to the memories, the days when I've struck gold via the not-so-inky pages of this blog, and the days I've failed to make sense. My rambling about Taiwan, and my obsessions with weird food.

Here's to all of you out there that have put up with my crazy chunnering, and annoying posts of end times nonsense. 

Thanks so much, I love you all!!

*wipes away a tear*'s the good news!! 

I'm not completely off the blogging train!!! 

I just switched to Wordpress, so head on over to and take a look at my shiny new blog!


So adieu for the moment!!


Yeshua be with you! 


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Positive + Negative

This time of year, folks are always spouting off 'New Year's Resolutions', plans, changes they want to make...etc. And generally, everyone is posting this stuff on social networks, preaching sermons about it, reading about it in magazines, and attempting to restart their lives. Again. 

Now I'm not saying all of this isn't good to hear, it is. It's just often very difficult to face a new year, with new resolutions, while knowing that last failed miserably. 

In the back of your mind, you're thinking: 'Well, I failed last year, what's to say this year will be any better, easier, or happier?'


So...we're all inclined to be slightly negative at's apparently inherent in the human race. 

But does that mean we ought to be negative all the time? Or that it's ok to be negative? 

I...don't think so. 

Those of you that know me, know I'm...not exactly a positive person. Actually, I'm pretty pessimistic, pretty much all the time these days. 

That good? No, who am I kidding!

{Insert pause to go wrangle some kids into behaving themselves} 

Ok, so where was I? 

Oh yea. 

So pessimism isn't really something we as a human race look upon as an enviable trait. Rather, pessimisitic folk are often enlightened of their unique take on life in tones of distaste and annoyance. In this age, people are supposed to turn a sunny face towards the world, and heaven forbid that face crack for any reason. 

Of course, this theory doesn't always work, which is why we see those poor broken down people wandering the streets with a lost look on their face. And when we do see them, we often think: 'Well, I'm just glad I have enough backbone to resist a downfall such as that.' We feel temporarily sorry for that homeless, loveless, (and honest) person, and then go on with our lives without a second thought. We would never ever entertain the thought that the person standing on the street corner with a cardboard sign could be us at the drop of a hat. Ever. We just...wouldn't. 

But...this post isn't meant to promote sympathy for the homeless dude and his cardboard sign. 

So back to my previous topic. 

Every single day, we wake up, we stare groggily in the foggy mirror...and we are faced with a choice. 

(No, I'm not talking about choosing between forgoing makeup, or taking the time to look like a celeb.) 

A choice of how we are going to view that particular day. 

Now, I know some of you are thinking: 'Well, how am I supposed to make a choice like that, when the alarm didn't go off, the kids are yelling--it's still 5am--and I think something might be on fire in the kitchen?' 

(Hehe, we all have days like that. wheither we've got kids or not.)

Anyway, think about all those disasters this way: The kids are still alive--hence the yelling--while the alarm didn't go off, you're still awake--at an evil hour, but still--and you don't KNOW that something is on fire, maybe the cat just fell asleep on the woodstove lid again, and is smoking slightly. (He'll discover his problems, and deal with them on his own, believe me.) 

So instead of thinking: 'Drat, life's a mess!' You're thinking: 'Well...we're all still alive, and it's a new day!'

(A hint: no matter what hour of the morning you get up, or how close you are on time, make sure you get at least one 'thing' related to God in your mind. It makes the whole day run better.) 

This isn't to say you can prevent bad days from happening by reading your Bible, or listening to worship music, things will happen, no matter what you do. It's the way of this sinful world. But we can be prepared to look at life from His perspective, and try to find what good things are happening, instead of all the bad. 

On a side note, I know it's sorta funny that a nineteen-year-old girl is talking about kids, and 5am alarms as if she's a mother--when she's not even married--but I feel like a mom sometimes, living with kids about 90% of the time. (Also, I'm really looking forward to the day when I can be a mom.) 

And the 5am alarms? Well...I try to make it 5:30am. 

All the rest, I've learned from trial and error this year, living on my own for the first time. 

Now, before you all get the idea that I think I've arrived at 'young adult perfection', let me enlighten you. 

I'm TERRIBLE at remembering to recharge on 'God' every morning--sometimes, coffee is easier to face. 

I can go days without consiously attempting to destress. (A VERY bad thing for me to do.) 

I get depressed, frustrated, and mad at life in general. I blow up at people--yes, I still do, yes, I'm working on it. 

I still try to do EVERYTHING myself. (No God, I CAN do this on my own...oohh...maybe not. HELP!!)  

I've definitely NOT arrived yet. Haven't gotten much of anywhere, really. 

But those days when I DO remember to read my Bible in the morning, and I turn on worship music as my brain wakes up, when I remember to make something good for breakfast, and add some Mozart to the mix...when the makeup doesn't happen--or does--when I don't say the snappy things I want to when my roommate asks me if I want coffee...again...(I don't. I really don't.) a word: When I purposely attempt to be happy, to be just goes better. 

So in this new year--this weird, spacy, sifi, year called 2015--what'd you think you'd like to do? Try to set new standards for yourself, lose weight, eat healthier, change your look or a better person? All good things, yes. 

But while you're busy with all these things, don't forget that God is the reason we're here on earth at all, and He doesn't want you--or me--to be looking at everything in life as a bad karma...or whatever the savvy-new-age-crackpots call it these days. 

He'd ruther us look to Him, ask Him what He want's us to do this year, and to be joyful, happy, cheerful people that give energy, instead of taking it. 

That's MY challange for you--and me of course--this year. 

BE HAPPY. Be Positive. :D 


Yeshua be with you all this week!!

~Marissa H.