Thursday, January 29, 2015

Good Byes

I had no idea I was going to do this so soon...but a lot of things have been changing in my life in the past week or so, and I felt I needed a fresh start in something.

That something turns out to be my blog. 

For the past year or so, I've been yammering on about things here, and I admit, I'm going to miss this blog. 

But sometimes, change has to happen. 

Sometimes, we have to say good bye. 

So here's to the memories, the days when I've struck gold via the not-so-inky pages of this blog, and the days I've failed to make sense. My rambling about Taiwan, and my obsessions with weird food.

Here's to all of you out there that have put up with my crazy chunnering, and annoying posts of end times nonsense. 

Thanks so much, I love you all!!

*wipes away a tear*'s the good news!! 

I'm not completely off the blogging train!!! 

I just switched to Wordpress, so head on over to and take a look at my shiny new blog!


So adieu for the moment!!


Yeshua be with you! 


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