Thursday, April 24, 2014

Learning to Sing in The Rain

We have all heard the phrase, "Dancing in the Rain." But, how you interpret the phrase depends on your point of view. On the best days it seems easy to trust God and to not worry or panic, but on hard days is  that really what we think of?

While your circumstances may change, how you look at them determines the outcome. One wise friend once told me, "If today is the worst day of your life, then tomorrow will be better." For me, this past semester has been absolutely crazy. From tournaments, to school, to outside activities, to training for an upcoming 5K race. This past semester has been a whirlwind. In fact, I haven't been taking time to spend with God. This morning I really was convicted of this. I would encourage you, no matter what to find time to spend time with Him. Because, with Him in you, your life will be very different than if you make your own choices. 
No Matter what you are walking through, Jesus was tempted just as you are. He understands what you are walking though. 
So, no matter how bad the storm, find a way to dance through it! 

-Anna Katherine 

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