Monday, May 26, 2014

The Perfect Fairytale

This one's for the girls, but you guys would be wise to pay attention too, cause it might save you some grief one day.

Fairytales are enchanting, (pun intended) we read them and daydream about Prince Charming, about that dress the girl wears, the books Bell finds in the Beast's library, (that last is me) but when we close the book, set it aside and walk out into the real world, oh wow are we disenchanted with life!

Your supposed Prince Charming dumps you for the (admittedly not so great) girl in his new class that you don't go to, and it hurts. You thought that this one really loved you, that this time around the dating wheel, he would accept your past mistakes. "What happened??" You scream, as tears run down your face. You wonder what went wrong, was it your fault? Were you simply not pretty enough? Skinny enough? Happy enough?

No, you dated a guy.
What?? This writer is off her rocker, you think. She's crazy. Maybe you have read some of my past posts, you think while that girl's got some odd ideas, she's ok, but this time...she's really lost it. What's the point of getting to know a guy if you don't date him? I mean, come on! If you don't date guys, you'll never find The One. (Cause obviously, God needs some help in that area.) "What does she mean then?" You ask.

Well, I'll tell you. It's pretty simple.

"Dating is like going to the store without money. You either come away dissatisfied, or you come away with something that isn't yours." (Thank Pinterest for that one.)

So am I saying that dating is a bad idea?

100% yes.

It's a very bad idea.

But I'm also not saying you can't be friends with guys. By all means, be friends with guys! Guys need girls to balance out their lives, and the same goes for you girls. Without the opposite genders in our lives, things would be terribly confusing. What I am attempting to say, is that while a guy can be your best friend, and you two can feel like there is nothing you can't say to each other, if you take it so far as to date, you've taken over God's job of bringing two people together, and determined that you should do it for Him.

So what happened when you dated that guy? What went so wrong? Let's assume you picked a 'good' guy. He's a Christian, or maybe he's just really nice. (Oh wait,  I forgot. You hate his face now that he dumped you. He's not nice.) Oh well, let's just assume he used to be awesome. What went wrong, is that you went into it determined to have a good time, not to find the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Be honest. Think back to when you met, was the first thing that came to mind, that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with the guy? Probably not. It probably ran along this line: "Oh my word, he's HOT! I've got to get a date with him!"

Think about it from the guy's point of view. (Let's hope I get this right, I don't know a guy's brain very well, correct me if I'm wrong.)

A guy goes into the relationship for two reasons, and two reasons only. One: He want's to spend about 50 seconds with you and then go on to the next girl when he's used you up. (Or) Two: He want's to find the girl of his dreams, and he's sick of the way he's been acting around girls lately. He want's to do the right thing.

(I sure hope I didn't fry that completely)

What a shock, he's not in it for the same type of 'fun' you were thinking about! But if you don't date guys, how are you going to meet the guy of your dreams?

Again. It's simple.


"Woah, that's too hard!" You say, disgusted. "In this day and age, you gotta take what you want when you can, or you're going to miss out."


You'll just find out how much God loves you when you meet the right one. Finally. Someday in the future.

It's hard, I know. But believe me, it's going to be worth it.

(I'll let you in on a secret about me: I'm totally in love with a guy. Crazy in love. But we haven't dated, we haven't kissed, and we aren't going to for a very long time. We are waiting for when God tells us both that it's time for us to be together. Then we'll [maybe] realize what the phrase "happily ever after" really means. Why? Because we waited.)

That's the perfect fairytale. Waiting is the perfect fairytale. Because everything is so much better if you wait for it.

"The longer you
wait for something,
the more you'll
appreciate it when
you get it.
'Cause anything
worth having is
worth waiting for."



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