Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Be Prepared.

Let me guess, that title makes you think: 

Or maybe it makes you think: 

Well...I'm talking about the latter. 

And before you tell me that i've lost it, and gone the way of the rest of the militant doomsayers of America, let me attempt to convince you that some (at least) of what you have been hearing is closer to the truth than any of us is comfortable with. 

Mark 13:7 and 12 say:'And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet...Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.'

Luke 21:11 states: 'And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.'

Let me start with this: 

In Oklahoma, this past year, there have been 1,061 earthquakes. In the past month, 108. Since September 17th, there have been 29 earthquakes, and four of them were today. 


Yea, they're all minor quakes, but that's an awful lot of quakes for one state in a year. 

Literally an hour ago, there was a 4.9 earthquake near Petropavlovask-Kamchatskiy, Russia, and a 5.0 near Puerto El Triunfo, El Salvador.

There are others, but I'll let you find them. 

Point being, there's an awful lot of earthquakes happening around the world today. 

So, earthquakes, yea. What about famines and pestilences? What about fearful sights and great signs from the heavens?


North Korea has stated that famine will be no more, but the likelihood of that happening is very small considering the state of their government. 

South Sudan, Africa is deep in famine, many thousands of people starve every day because of the intense civil war that has been on going since the nation declared independance three years ago. Most of Africa in general suffers from a lack of food. 

Somalia is deep in the black well of famine. 

Ethiopia is staggering under the weight of poverty. 

Famine is a real and serious thing. 

Here in Taiwan--a first world country might I remind you--children come to school, their clothes ragged and carrying a lone pencil. Their only meal that day being the lunch served them. 

That's famine too, just a very...covered up type of famine. 


California is firmly in the grasp of wildfires--again. 

Serbia was hit with a massive flash flood only six days ago.

Kashmir, Inda was struck with flooding in July. 

Hurricane Odlile struck Mexico's Baja California peninsula September 18th. 

Ebola in Africa is slowly devistating entire nations...

I think you might be getting my point. 

Do I even need to go into Mark 13:7? 

We hear every day about the war in the Middle East, Russia taking over the Ukraine, China's threat to the US...

ISIS is the new hot topic of the media today, and terrorist threats are freaking out the Pentagon and White House more than they would care for the public to know. 

Alright, alright, I'm sure you're tired of me listing the many different things going on in the world today--so here's my question for you: 


Why is this happening? 

You want the answer to that? 

Come back tomorrow. :D

(I have more research to do--it's a complicated subject, and I'm not about to give you the wrong information.) 

So for today, 


Yeshua be with you!


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