Monday, September 15, 2014

Undlitr Shoot June 2014

Wow, can't believe it took me so long to post about this!

Those of you who have read my blog have probably noticed that in the box where I describe myself, I say I am working on a film. 

Well, we finished the shoot in June of this year, but I have been so busy working and getting ready to leave the country, that I forgot to post about the shoot. 

Anyone excited to see some random pictures? 

(lol, I am. ;D) 

Basically these are some pictures from behind the scenes. Various different shoots, and on different days, but all very interesting in my opinion. 

June 1:

This was our first day officially working on the film. Here we're sorting the costumes, and making all the actor's suffer drastic costume pain from trying everything on a thousand times. We tried the tattoos for the first time that day, and ended up with a few very scary elves running around my producer's house. (Her poor mom!!) Well, i should explain the picture I suppose. Clockwise from back right, we have Jonathan McNeil staring as Noraieu when he was younger, Jerusha Coleman staring as Les`shil`na's decendent's wife, Mikaylee Bales as our amazing and talented tattoo artist, me the director, (and on this particular day, suffering from wisdom teeth loss), and last but definately not least, Samantha McNeil as our producer and the one who basically kept me on firm earth the entire month. She's amazing. 

June 12:

This was our second shoot, in the background, is the younger Coleman brother, Thomas, (hope i got his name right, there's a lot of them) staring as Lesshil's younger self, and a stand in for his brother, Hudson, who managed to forget that we were shooting that day, and ended up in Oregon when I needed him. The young man did amazing, and I can't begin to say how much I enjoyed working with him. 
Surrounding the camera are the director, producer/cinemaphotographer, and my young Noraieu, getting a good view of how things work behind the camera so that 'young Noraieu' can get it right. 

June 12 cont: 

Here, a shot of Jackie McNeil as my second cinemaphotographer, who did an amazing job shooting film for me, and I have to say, her shots were over the top beautiful. 

June 26: 

Last day of shooting. I would say this was the hardest day of all, the location was modern, and we were going for mideval, which doesn't mix very well. On top of that, I did a horrible job of scripting the scene, and in the middle of the shoot, had to rewrite it because there was too much dancing around on the set. This handsome shot is of Josiah Murphy, my older Noraieu, and he was exceptional. (Sorry about the picture being blurry, seems there's something wrong with my editing system.) Acting the Elvin King of Myremount, we crowned him with spoon handles, and his throne sat beneath a russian shawl that my sister brought back with her years ago. (not exactly what a lot of people would do in a film, but that's just what happens when you're on a budget!) 

Well, that's all for today! Hope you enjoyed it!


Yeshua be with you this week!


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