Monday, March 3, 2014


Clock - Time


Battle Number Four.

Time Management.

Now you're laughing. A teenager talking about time management? The sky just fell! But honestly, time is our most precious commodity, and in America, it often seems that life is becoming crowded with so many things, that time is obsolete. We rush, we hurry, we scramble to get as much done as possible each day, and we crash in the early hours of the morning, totally drained and exhausted. And we tell ourselves that we can handle it.

We jam more and more things into our lives, thinking that we can do all things without paying the price. But there is a price to be paid for everything we do, just like magic had a price in the old fairytales that we read as children. And the price of cramming so much into our lives is less and less productivity. The quality of our work rapidly takes a downward turn, and we experience burn-out like nobody's business.

As you can probably see, I'm mostly talking to myself. Time management has always been difficult for me, and this year has been harder than any other that I can remember. It seems that everything I am doing is causing me to forget my Bible study time and other important things. I crash late, and drag myself out of bed in the morning way too late. It's a good thing I am still in school, or I would probably lose my job.

This does not mean I don't care about this, rather, I am disgusted with myself. I often think that being a 'young adult' would mean that I should grasp the concept of time management. After all, it would just be in my favor. Being a 'young adult' brings it's own challenges and trials, but that doesn't mean that we should forget that we have the responsibility to manage our time in a way that is glorifying to God.

The solution is simple, but difficult. Give up some of those things that we do, and spend that empty space in our lives on God. Giving Him some of our precious time results in a lesson on humility and organization. While time may mean so much to us that we measure it in nanoseconds, we all need to remember that every bit of that time is God's. He created it, therefore we should give it back to Him.


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