Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Backwards or Forwards?

               Battle number two coming up here. I often find myself fighting the urge to wish that I could go back in time, but God has a plan for me here and now, just so long as I am patient and wait on Him. Our Father wants us to be content with were He puts us. Read on, and enjoy.
                Every day, throughout every situation and in every walk of life, people ask the question: Would it have happened differently if I could go back in time? God says in Ecclesiastes 3:17, “For there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.If we study the modern times, we will see that while there may be bad things happening, God has a reason for us to be here at this time in history.

                Our time in history is one of the unchangeable things that God has set in place, and we should accept it as His purpose for our lives. There is a time and a place for evil in this world, in Revelation, John speaks of Satan reigning in this world for some time. While this may cause most people to become discouraged, that is no reason to lose faith in God’s placement for us at this time. Contrary to what we often think, if we did have the chance to go back and correct a mistake, those times of trial would not change us the way they do.

                Modern society is corrupted by so much evil, that it can discourage us from believing that God does indeed have complete control. We often think that the state of our government, our society, and our culture must be part of our faith, but this has been proved differently in Scripture. As 2 Corinthians 5: 7 states; (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) In this we find reassurance that whatever happens to us in this life, if we believe by faith that Jesus is the Son of God, then He will always be there for us.

                While some people want to go back in time, others wish to fast-forward to the future. This also clearly violates the strong Biblical principal that we should be content with where God has placed us in history. Looking ahead into the future is demonstrated by many different “prophesy” techniques, and has been attempted throughout all history.

                God has a mission for every person alive today that will impact history in some way, whether small or large. It is our responsibility to submit to His authority and follow His commands. Therefore, we should be content with where He has placed us, rather than attempting to change what has already come about or what will happen.


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