Monday, February 3, 2014

The Law of Causality and the Bible

                The Law of Causality is the theory that everything must have a beginning. This is proved by the fact that the universe is expanding. There is a “red shift” in the light from each observable galaxy, which means that they are all moving away from us. It appears that everything is expanding away from a solitary point in the past.
                 Matter is what creates the universe. It forms the solar system, the earth, and our very bodies. Matter is even evident in the computer that I am using to record information on. Without matter there is no life. However scientists attempt to show otherwise, it is not possible that matter was in existence for infinitum. There had to be a beginning to everything.

                If there is one thing that is evident in “The Great Outdoors” it is that everything must have come from something, and that someone must have created it. Even without the belief that God made everything, it is still commonly believed that something made the universe happen.

                Say for example we adopt the Big Bang theory. Where would the “Big Bang” have come from? Would it not need something to start the explosion?  When a tube of dynamite is detonated, someone had to strike the match, lean down, light the cord, and thus begin the chain of events leading up to the explosion. There is no argument about whether the cord lit itself, or the dynamite just suddenly went off without any provocation. It is accepted that an intelligent being was needed to “start the dominos toppling.”

                The great skeptic David Hume even stated concerning the Law of Causality: “I never asserted so absurd a proposition something could arise without a cause.” Francis Bacon also refuted this theory by saying, “True knowledge is knowledge by causes.” Therefore, if there was no beginning of matter, there would be no beginning to life, and therefore, no end either. The dust motes from the explosion would go on drifting through space for eternity, and no one would be the wiser.

                With the idea that there must be something to cause a beginning, we are led to believe that there must have been Someone to start things moving. As a dear friend told me not too long ago, God placed deep inside us, the absolute certainty that there is a God out there. Whether or not we believe that there is one God, or many gods, has been left to us to decide. We are given the choice to believe in a God, many gods, no God whatsoever, or that creation is a god.

                This leaves me one last question. If there is a God out there, who did cause that “bang”, did not He make a beautiful thing, and is He not worthy of being worshiped? After all, we were all created. Most would agree with that statement on some level; either that we were created by a God, or our parents. Therefore, we must conclude that the Law of Causality is certainly adaptable with Biblical standards. Lastly, if science is to be believed, matter came from something. Therefore, life came from something, and the intelligence of the human mind is proof enough that it could not have been formed on its own. 

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