Monday, February 10, 2014

The Battle of Our Lives

I wanted to begin a series on the battle that every Christian is fighting in this world today. There are many subjects to cover, and I may not be able to comment on them all, but here's a start. Enjoy!

              There is a battle waging between Christians and Atheists today called the evolution of the earth. Evolution is the theory that life created itself by selection and elimination. Those that study it believe that all life was formed throughout many millions of years from a single cell. Evolutionists attempt to explain how the universe, our world, and life itself came about with the Big Bang theory. Essentially, the “Big Bang” is the idea that at one point in time, there was nothing, and then suddenly, everything started to converge in separate pools of dust.

                After millions of years, galaxies were formed. The solar system came next, then planets, and eventually, our Earth. Then, after millions more years, the first cell evolved by chance, and from that, all life as we know it.

                Creationism, on the other hand, is the theory that life was created by a supernatural being. Those that study it believe that all life was created in six days by a single God. Creationists explain how the universe came about as being divinely spoken into being by God Himself. One moment in time there was nothing, and then bang, there was a perfectly created universe. On six successive days, He spoke into being light, water, earth, plants, animals, and lastly, humans. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Not only did He speak the world into existence, but everything that has life and form also.

                Creation is based on the Bible, which we believe was written by God Himself. It is reasonable then, to believe that God was telling the truth about how the universe came to be. The theory that everything took millions of years to evolve is so vague, it is amazing so many people believe in the Big Bang. Many Christians like to say that the Big Bang theory is correct: that one moment there was nothing, and then a “Big Bang,” and there was light.

                Likewise, evolution is not the same as Christianity, nor can it ever be. There is no room in God’s Word for evolution of the species, or of the universe. It is not possible that God used millions of years to create the universe.  Either everything evolved, or it was all created by a supernatural being.

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